Thursday 25 August 2022

Retreat Diary Day 4 Entry 1

Day four: Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?

Today is the last full day of my retreat. I want to thank you if you have been reading these posts. I don’t imagine for a second that there is anything life-changing in them but it felt like the right thing to write them. I am leaving here just after lunch tomorrow so there is still some time for me to enjoy.

I felt slightly anxious today. I can only come to the conclusion that it is because I am going home and I suppose there is a part of me that is afraid of losing the sense of peace and being the authentic me that I have had the last few days. I have not felt this way for a couple of years and this has undoubtedly taken its toll on my mental health and even on my ministry as a priest.

I suppose that what I have been thinking about a lot is how I take this back to “normal” life. I know that I have to make significant changes to the way I have been leading my life. I have to have more healthy routines and disciplines. I think what has really become clear to me both in my own thoughts and in my conversation with my spiritual director is that I need to have a sense of belonging and rootedness that I haven’t had for a long time.

It is not that I have to completely stop doing the things I do or change everything about my life. I have made some very good friends in the last couple of years and that is a blessing. I have a wonderful orchestra that I enjoy playing in. It isn’t that I have to cut myself off from the world around me. What I think it does mean though is that I have to begin (again) to live this life at home: a life of prayer and contemplation which will feed all else that I do. I have to replace some of the unhealthier things in my life with things that are healthy.

I have had an encounter with the Divine in my time here and have begun to see again who I am and what I am called to do. I am sure that this is the only way I will have peace in my heart and feel that I am being true to myself. What if I don’t find this when I go home?

It was as I asked this question that the words from Psalm 139 came to mind:

Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?

There is nowhere I can go where God will not be. It must then be that I must live my life in such a way that I can find that presence. Without it, things will fall apart. My (mental) health will suffer as it has done these last couple of years.

I have had a glimpse of what my vocation might be. I suppose it is now up to me to faithfully and prayerfully follow that path in order to discern what the next steps should be.

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